
Can You Use Lash Boost While Pregnant

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Lash boost

Anyone still using lash boost past Rodan and Fields? I stopped mine when I establish out I was significant and I miss it so much! My lashes were amazing but felt I shouldn't apply unnecessary things while pregnant. I meant to ask my doctor at my appointment this week but forgot. What are your thoughts?


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I'm a R+F team leader had to put down the sunless tanner for sure during her pregnancy. I have to inquire near lash boost, but officially it's a cosmetic- and a lash "conditioner". I've put mine upwards for post pregnancy just the same.

I stopped using mine after a friend told me her doctor told her no.


I'g a lash artist and a nifty substitute is lash extensions! It's surgical mucilage so it's safe and the lashes await great for up to 2 weeks!! Yous get them filled in or touched up like nails and they absolutely do not impairment your naturals every bit long as the artist is gluing ane lash on each natural!! It'southward amazing and I practice a ton of significant women because they want to look swell and they all thank me profusely because they look amazing in their pics when the baby is just born!!


I personally wouldn't use it because of all the issues that have been in the news the terminal twelvemonth. Any little thing I can practise to help the baby be prophylactic and healthy I choose to practice.


I had to finish using mine when I got meaning. I think the alter in my hormones have fabricated my eyes itchy. I accept even institute my contacts to be bothersome. I'll go on using my mascara when my optics aren't too itchy.

I'm still using my lash boost 🙋🏻


me too! What are the possible side furnishings?,

idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ my consultant told me to stop using my skin regimen, but said lash boost was withal ok to employ! I followed up with my OB after seeing this post and he said in that location is nil wrong with using it.

I stopped using mine while ttc. I used to sell R&F and I was told the just pregnancy friendly items were dermabrasion paste and the soothe lotion

OMG, I love lash extensions, if you tin find an affordable and convenient creative person. Mine is affordable, but I moved in with Dh when we got married and now information technology's an hour drive instead of 15 min and I'm as well lazy to find fourth dimension for it. I really miss my lashes. all the same, I was surprised at how full my lashes had gotten underneath the extensions because I'd started using that Generic Latisse a few months before. it was so helpful to my lashes(they are nonetheless blonde plenty to be invisible without mascara though).

I also too stopped using information technology because information technology'south not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so information technology'll be awhile before I can use it once again.

I notwithstanding employ mine, and will continue to practice so. I've never heard anything near information technology being harmful and my infant is growing perfectly so I volition continue to practice and then unless there is a problem from using it.

Still using mine! I also switched from the contrary skin regimen to the redefine 🤷‍♀️ no bug

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Can You Use Lash Boost While Pregnant,


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